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II [unselect] : unknown festival at Kleinehumboldt Galerie , Berlin, live performance art piece, 2019 

The performance tells a true story of being identified as a woman and of the influence of the media. The performance states love and hatred towards advertising, the fashion industry, looking at other women, celebrity culture and towards the relationship with the own body. Being a victim even though one has learned a lot and educated others. In the last months Galea passed on messages while showing her body on social media using sarcasm and humour. She talks about being a woman in her own skin and being honest about life in front of a mirror and in front of a screen​. Clothing played a very important part where in total the performance had eight scenes which have tackled food disorders, self image obsession, influence of porn industry, feeling uncomfortable during sex as unhappy with body shape and about women comparing themselves with other women.


Part of a performance festival in Berlin where a lot of other artists have participated. Unknown is a performance evening that is left to chance: The performances selected by a sample generator revolve around leaving decision making to (super)natural forces.



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